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Self-assessment tax returns

Self assessment can be a time consuming and often confusing business for busy dental professionals.

And judging by the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers who are penalised by HMRC each year it can also be very costly if:

  • Deadlines are missed
  • Incorrect returns are delivered
  • Appropriate records are not retained or presented

At Dental Accountants Scotland, we offer a personal tax service specifically developed for dentists. We can help you on all aspects of your personal tax and National Insurance obligations.

We aim to spare you all these headaches and free up your valuable time by offering a comprehensive Individual Self Assessment service, including:

  • Liaising with your bank, building society, stockbrokers etc to gather the relevant data for your annual returns
  • Calculating your tax liability
  • Completing and filing your tax return on your behalf
  • Advising you when various payments are due and how much to pay
  • Advising on appropriate record retention
  • Introducing you to any relevant tax saving ideas
  • Representing you in the event of you being selected for investigation by HMRC and offering you fee protection insurance cover for this eventuality to mitigate costs.

Call one of our experts on 01750 700468 today to discuss how we can spare you the headache of Self Assessment.

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