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Business One Page Plan (BOPP)

It is one of the greatest management tools for keeping your practice on track – the Business One Page business plan – a business plan that fits on a single sheet of A4.

The BOPP measures key drivers within the practice (e.g.  patient retention, available hours not used, number of cancelled hours, patient list size, completed treatments not invoiced etc) against pre-set targets, during either a monthly, bi monthly or quarterly meeting where actions are agreed.  The whole process hinges on the most powerful business message you can learn “what gets measured, gets done”.

Not only does the BOPP give your practice a vital early warning system, but it also acts as a catalyst for identifying the action that needs to be taken to make your practice a real success.

It allows you to focus on the key numbers that will drive the practice forward, rather than just looking at Gross Profit and Net Profit.

Why use the BOPP?

  • Better goal and target setting
  • Better decisions and actions  
  • Better focus 
  • Clarity 
  • Simplicity – One Page
  • Helps improve practice results

Why is a BOPP so useful and valuable?

  • Takes the key numbers that matter to your practice and measures them on monthly basis
  •  Encourages discussions on a regular basis
  • Helps to create a monthly action plan
  • Gets results

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